Wednesday, April 02, 2008

I am tired of the cold. This morning's 45 with a brisk wind had me chilled to the bone. I am tired, too, and I am sure that's a contributing factor. Today was a 6 mile recovery run with 6 x 100m strides. It wasn't until I made it to the track, after 5 miles of easy running on sore legs in Rock Creek Park, that I finally felt as if my legs loosened a bit.

Yesterday was an 11 mile run which actually felt pretty good. All in all things are good, and a nice, early run on the hills of Rock Creek Park is always nice. I am tapering, which means that instead of 15 miles on a Tuesday, 11 miles was supposed to seem short. It did, by and large, but all of the accumulation of mileage between shifting last week and then the marathon this weekend has left me sluggish, overall.

This morning my left foot was hurting quite a bit. I did ice my feet on a frozen coke bottle yesterday, and did yoga at lunch. The yoga class was quite intense, almost more of a workout then a stretching session. The past few yoga classes I attended at Inspired Yoga were geared towards hips and hamstrings. The class yesterday, at Edge Yoga, was a more advanced class focusing on the back. No wonder my back is sore right now!

Donations continue to creep in! I'm just shy of $2000.00, or roughly 2/5th of the way to my goal. I guess I need to dig a bit deeper in my donation garnering skills. Maybe I can do that Friday morning, since it's a day off from training!


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