Sunday, March 02, 2008

Today was a much needed off day. I got a good night's sleep, even though I've felt tired all day. It hasn't affected my productivity, but I've felt tired "in my head."

I went to yoga at 10am. It's really been an integral part of my training; it's been a recovery tool. My legs hurt after yesterday's 20 miles: my hips were tight and sore, my lower back ached and my legs had built up lactic acid.

As we began our hour and a half class this morning I had trouble just sitting with my legs crossed. Every movement that involved use of my hips was accompanied by a tad bit of an ache. However, I knew if I could perform the asanas (yoga movements) in the class I would feel much better. It's something that's hard to remember, but I'm very glad that I've been able to make my schedule so my "day off" is on Sunday, when there's a yoga class and no work. I do try to go to other yoga classes during the week, or even perform my own workout after a morning run, but with my busy schedule and being tired after individual runs, it's proven to be a challenge.

One thing I've noticed is that this blog would be more interesting and enjoyable to read if it had photos accompanying it. When I used to run while on tour I always thought it would be great to take a video camera along with me. It would be like my very own version of Google's "Street level view." Now, I don't really think I'd want to interrupt a run with a photo opportunity, but I do hope to add a bit of that flavor from time to time.

What I've got for now, in honor of a complete month of training (February), is a picture of my training calendar. I write a small bit about each run in the space below the number of the day. The last week isn't filled in because I began using this blog again - and I can only spend so much time writing about all the time that I already run.

I am heading to New York tomorrow after a 6 mile am run. I'm supposed to fit in 4 miles in the evening, so I hope to do that in Central Park. I've got to do 11 miles Tuesday and then 15 on Wednesday. I very well may do it all in Central Park. We'll have to see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job on being dedicated and persisting,despite the weather. We'll have to start praying for a good weather day for the marathon! Mom

8:50 AM  

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