Sunday, February 24, 2008

Today was a much needed day off. I did do yoga in the morning however. I was lucky enough to do yoga 4 days this week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights and then Sunday morning. I love the balance it provides my body. I'm running more than I ever have before, and though I wouldn't say I'm "flexible" at this point, my muscles aren't nearly as tight as they would be without doing the yoga.

This week's training looks like this:

Monday - 8 miles - General Aerobic + Speed (8 x 100m strides)
Tuesday - 15 mile medium long run
Wednesday - 5 mile recover
Thursday - 11 miles w/6 miles at Half Marathon pace in the monrning and 4 mile recovery in the evening
Friday - 7 miles - General Aerobic + Speed (8 x 100m strides)
Saturday - 20 mile long run

I'm going to try to go to yoga M, W, F and Sunday again, but work and other aspects of life may prevent me from doing so.

I'm feeling really good about my training overall, and am happy to announce that I'll be raising funds for my friend Mark Beemer's Endowment. More on this tomorrow.


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