Monday, February 05, 2007

I ran on a treadmill today. I'd wanted to get up around 7am and go for a run outside, but the windchill was hovering around zero degrees Farenheit, and I wasn't willing to freeze my tuckus in order to get in a good workout. I'm not opposed to running on a treadmill, though I am convinced that people's times tend to be quicker there than out in the elements.

To test this theory I took my iPod w/the Nike transmitter with me. Not only did it allow for me to listen to music, but it also gave me an alternate way to measure my distance and time. According to the treadmill I did a 6 mile run in about 44 minutes. I started out running just over 8 minute miles. I then increased the pace on the treadmill to around 7:30/mile for miles two and three. Miles four and five were done at around 7:15 and I dipped slightly under 7:00 for the final mile. My iPod indicated that I'd only run 5.46 miles, however. I wonder where the discrepancy lies?

If it's not too cold on Wednesday I will try to re-calibrate my device, but the weather forecast for the week is looking less and less formidable each time I go back to it. I ordered a new wind breaker/running jacket online this weekend, but until that shows up I'm not sure how many runs I will be able to tolerate. That said, i do plan to go out for 3 miles early tomorrow. Nevertheless, until i can calibrate the device and re-test it, I'll wonder if the treadmill's distance was too short or if for all of these long, outdoor runs?


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