Monday, October 09, 2006

After the struggling run on Friday and travel out to St. Louis, I gladly took a day off Saturday. I have a bit of a sickness, however, and almost wished that at some point I could fit in a run. Luckily for my legs, I never found the time.

Sunday was a different story. I awoke relatively early. I was still tired but was unable to talk my mind into going back to sleep. Megan and I had slept on a blow up mattress on her friend's living room floor. It held the majority of the air through the night, but I was unable to remain asleep past 7am. I opened a book that I've been reading and waited for the temperature outside to warm up.

The sun was shining through the living room shades, and by about 9am I was anxious to get outside. Megan's friends live across from Forest Park in St. Louis. The day before we'd done a brief driving tour of the very large park. From that I could see that it was a great local spot for running and biking. There was a trail that went around the perimeter of the park, and that's where I was going to jog.

I wanted to go about 5 miles, and had no clue how far one loop would be. It almost didn't matter, because the first step I took shot a significant pain straight to my rib. I winced but was sure the pain would dissipate once I warmed up. I was right, though it never went away. Each time my left foot connected with the ground the soreness was agitated.

I'm not entirely sure what caused this run to hurt my rib more than the 18 miles on Friday. Maybe the recovery from that run made it more sore. It also could have been two nights on the air mattress? None of it truly matters. I am capable of running, which is good, but I am going to sustain a bit of pain, which is bad.

The run itself was nice. My legs were a tad tired as well. I ran those 18 miles at a pretty quick pace, and I know my legs were feeling the effects. Nevertheless, the beauty of the crisp fall air and the scenery of the park were enough to keep me huffing and puffing along. The circumference turned out to be 5.36 miles, and I averaged about a 7:47 pace.


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